Total Medals Earned: 5,445 (From 406 different games.) Total Medal Score: 106,100 Points
Medals Earned: 18/18 (490/490 points)
Successfully shaved it all off!
Successfully find the full beard!
Successfully find the Full Gringo!
Dig up King Tut
Detect la Poirot!
Lookin' hot in yer Mutton Chops
Successfully find the Napoleon Imperial
Find your soul (patch)
Locate Lemmy!
Successfully audition the Thespian
Hey Abe, my top lip is awful chilly!
Don't f*** with the Fu Manchu
Successfully find the Goatee
Rock out the Zappa
Successfully find The Souvarov
Successfully find The Winnfield
Enter random pirate quote here...
Anchor's away! Aweigh? Meh.
Medals Earned: 9/9 (45/45 points)
Do not use "auto complete" bonus until 10 level
Buy bonuses over 200 coins.
Complete third level
Second turn on first level
Lose 5 times in any level
Collect 100 coins
Reach 10 level of rang.
Do 150 moves
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 15/16 (465/490 points)
Not by zombies :O
Killed without shooting
Kill your first 10 zombies
Killed by explosion
Killed by santa
Throw 5 meat bombs
Survive 5 minutes!
Kill 100 Zombies!
Kill one ninja
Kill 3 Santas
100 head-shots!
Survive minute
Kill 250 Zombies!
Survive 10 minutes!
Kill 500 Zombies!
Medals Earned: 24/26 (465/490 points)
Play 30 min
Destroy 5 roadblocks
Fell off the bike 5 times
Build 10 game objects (roadblocks and turrets)
Kill 50 zombies with flamegun
Kill 50 zombies with grenadegun
Kill 100 zombies in a one day
Fight 3 minutes without damage in one day
Ride 10,000 kilometers
Kill 50 zombies with machinegun
Kill 50 zombies with minigun
Kill 50 zombies with pistol
Kill 50 zombies with shotgun
Kill 50 zombies at melee
Switch to 5th gear
Max. upgrade any primary weapon
Defend bike 3 minutes without damage in one day
Get 999 bullets for any weapon
Kill 50 zombies at bike
Collect 10000 coins
50 multi kills
Blow up 50 zombies with time bombs and mines
Kill 1000 zombies
Buy and upgrade all weapons
Kill 50 zombies with chainsaw
Medals Earned: 14/14 (490/490 points)
Collect 10 pickups on a level
Get 10 headshots
Kill a big zombie with the crowbar
Kill 50 zombies
Kill 100 zombies
Unlock the chainsaw
100% headshots in a level
Reach level 10
Reach level 20
Kill 500 zombies
Get 100 headshots
Reach level 30
Medals Earned: 13/18 (245/595 points)
Information is important to a ninja
Oh you know... just chillin'
This medal is your consolation for dying a little inside
If at first you don't succeed, try and try and try and try...
As if the first time didn't suck enough
You are now a beginner ninja
Because knowledge is power!
Hey, you're pretty good at this!
With practice comes greatness
High five for great success!
Like Mario, but with more awesome
A master of the craft
However, only a ninja cat could do this
You are a brave one
Inevitable danger doesn't slow you down! Well, not that much.
You are a god among ninjas!
A perfect shadow, a master of stealth!